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Speaker 3: Freedom of press is important because people rely on the press for information about the actions of their government.

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Q: Which speaker's statement reflects an understanding of the importance of the First Amendment's protection of freedom of speech to democracy?
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Which amendments protect the democracy in the US?

The secret ones.

What are importance of democracy?


Which two amendments have the greatest effect in protecting democracy in the US?

The first and the fith i believe?

What is the importance of political culture to democracy?

relevancy of political culture

civic knowledge includes principles of democratic theory?

Civic knowledge refers to the knowledge and understanding of the principles, values, and practices of citizenship and the functioning of government. This includes an understanding of democratic theory, which is a set of principles and ideas about how democracy should work and how power should be exercised in a democratic system. Democratic theory is based on the idea that citizens have the right to participate in the decision-making process of their government and that government should be accountable to the people it serves. It also emphasizes the importance of individual rights and freedoms, rule of law, and the protection of minority rights. In a democracy, the will of the majority is generally considered to be the basis for decision-making, but democratic theory also recognizes the importance of protecting the rights of minorities and ensuring that all voices are heard and considered. Civic knowledge includes an understanding of these principles and how they are applied in practice, as well as an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic system and the ways in which they can participate in the democratic process.

What is the importance of public opinion in democracy?

Free public opinion is the soul of Democracy, since they are inside of the ethical and moral values.

What was the importance for shaping American democracy?

I dont know and i dont care

How did later amendments reflect changing ideas about equality?

later amendments reflect changing attitudes about equality and the expansion of democracy.

What are the 2 counties that follow direct democracy?

The 2 counties that follow direct democracy are Switzerland and Liechtenstein. In these countries, citizens have the ability to vote on specific legislative proposals and constitutional amendments directly.

What is the importance of election?

i think election is the only way to determine what is good for you

What foundation of democracy is considered key to an effective democracy?

Individual freedom is the foundation of democracy and is considered the key to an effective democracy. Individual freedom is the belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence.

Is protection available for Shaheen chemist case in Islamabad?

yes, protection and judiciary helps were offered by the Judiciary. Its a part of democracy and law