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The Federal government took the side of George M. Pullman because they belived that the railroad was more important than the well being of their workers. So they gave railroad companies huge grants and loans.

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The government choose to support the employers during the strikes.Thus the strikes didn't last very long because the government would send in people to stop the strikes...

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Q: Which side did the government support during the Pullman Strike?
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Which president used federal troops to stop the pullman strike of 1894?

Grover Cleveland was the president during the Pullman strike.

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The Pullman Strike was a railroad labor strike that took place in 1894. The United States Attorney General tasked with handling the strike was Richard Olney.

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The president (during the Pullman Strike) of the ARU was Eugene V. Debs; not to be confused with Grover Cleveland: the president of the United States at the time.

What was the significance of the Pullman Strike of 1894?

It was the first time that a federal injunction had been used to break up a strike. The strike was in response to George M. Pullman's cutting of railroad workers wages during an economic downturn. Pullman's lack of empathy and the destruction during the union's protests led to the injunction.

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went to jail because of the socialist party

Why did Pullman strike happen?

people were really mean Wages cuts and working conditions

Who was the president of the American Railway Union at the time of the Pullman Strike in 1894?

The president (during the Pullman Strike) of the ARU was Eugene V. Debs; not to be confused with Grover Cleveland: the president of the United States at the time.

Why did president Cleveland send in federal troops during the pullman strike?

because the railroad workers had stopped the trains, harming commerce in the u.s

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Eugene V. Debs, a railway union leader, converted to socialism while serving jail time during the Pullman strike in 1894. He went on to become a prominent socialist political leader in the United States, running for president multiple times on the Socialist Party ticket.

How did federal government officials respond to the pullman strike of 1894?

The federal government responded to the Pullman Strike by using troops to control the striking workers. Later, Labor Day was designated as an official holiday in an effort to conciliate the organized labor movement.

Why can't postal workers strike?

Federal employees are prohibited by law from going on strike. Hence the reason for the firing of air traffic controllers during the Regan Administration. They work under government guide lines and government employees can not strike. Even though they are not government employees they work for the government.