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They would travel across the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea.

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Q: Which seas would ancient Greeks sail across to travel from Macedonia to Egypt?
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Related questions

What sea did the ancient Greeks travel on?

The Aegean sea.... Your welcome :]

How did the ancient Greeks travel to the ancient Greek Olympics?

They walked, rode horses or asses, walked, or came by boat.

Where did the ancient Greeks travel?

anywhere they wanted but they never came very far by land travel

When traveling by land in Greece was difficult the Greeks?

The Ancient Greeks traveled by the sea because the land was to mountainous to travel by foot. The Ancient Greeks traveled by foot, cart, chariot and ship.

Why did most ancient Greeks travel in groups when traveling by land?


Why did the ancient Greeks travel?

In pursuit of knowledge, trade and financial advantage.

Why did the ancient Greeks refer to the planets as wanders?

The ancient Greeks referred to the planets as "wanderers" (which is the literal meaning of "planet", in fact) as a result of what they directly observed in the sky. The planets appeared to their observation to wander -- or, travel -- across the sky each night, and on varying paths during the course of each year.

Why did the ancient greeks like to travel on land?

Basically because it was one of the earliest known way to travel.

Why Did The Greeks Travel mostly by sea?

Because that was there main route of Transportation. And it help them discover more lands.

What purpose did they travel for in ancient Greeks?

They traveled to get needed suppliesfrom other islands and to have wars.

How did ancient Greeks travel?

AnswerLike most other civilizations of their time, the ancient Greeks got around by land or sea. In other words, if they wanted to go to Persia they would walk (or march) across the land or sail across the Mediterranean Sea.They were much the same as us... just without cars, trains, bikes, planes, and the list goes on.Although I agree with the above answer, I feel compelled to add that in the ancient world the sea was of great importance in terms of travel. In fact it is one element of the ancient world that differs greatly form the modern. The sea, or rather water masses, were seen as connecting, rather than dividing. Travel over water was easier, faster, and cheaper than travel over land. This is especially true if they wished to transport goods etc.

What did the ancient Mayans use to travel?

they travel on pigs donkeys and rode on caddilac across the desart