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Benjamin Benneker

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Q: Which scientist contributed to his culture by communicating with Thomas Jefferson on the issue of slavery and the equality of African Americans?
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What did Benjamin Banneker do that involve African-Americans' civil rights?

Benjamin Banneker was a free African American farmer, scientist and publisher of several Almanacs. Banneker corresponded with Thomas Jefferson on many occasions about slavery and racial equality. Publishing the correspondences in his almanacs.

Who is ricardo lantican?

this botanist was conferred the National Scientist award by president Gloria Arroyo. He has contributed to the development of more than 20 improved varieties of munggo, soybean and peanuts.

Who developed a mathematical theory of the electron and won a Nobel Prize for it is in 1902?

The scientist who developed a mathematical theory of the electron and won a Nobel prize for it in 1902 was Hendrik A. Lorentz. He was a mathematician and physicist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism.

What time period did native Americans perish?

Before i improved it - Well, we have been around this area (dependent on which scientist you asked) from 50,000,000 BC to - Today (yes, we are still here). After i improved it - Okay but can someone improve this to tell me when Native Americans were around.

What is characteristic of scientist?

what are 5 characteristics of scientist

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Thomas Jefferson was a violinist, horseman, scientist and he was a divoted reader.

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