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No Roman emperor built the first aqueduct. The first aqueduct was built by Appius Claudius, a consul, way back near the beginning of the republic.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Systems for moving water were used in Persia, India, Egypt and other areas of the Middle East hundreds of years before the Romans began building them. Around 691 BCE, the Assyrians built a limestone aqueduct that brought fresh water to the city of Ninveh. Work on the main water transport system of the Roman Empire - the one it is famous for - began a few hundred years later, around 312 BCE. It took 500 years to complete the 11 aqueducts, and some are still in use today.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

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โˆ™ 10y ago

The first aqueduct which was built under the reign of Augustus when he was the first Roman emperor was the Aqua Virgo , which was built in 19 BC, was 20.7 kilometre long (nearly 12 ½ miles) as supplied water to the Campus Martius, the area which is now Rome's city centre. It also supplied the Baths of Agrippa, which were completed in 19 BC.

However, a prior aqueduct was commissioned by Octavian (who became the emperor Augustus in 27 BC) before he became emperor. It was the Aqua Julia, which was built in 33 BC, when Octavian was part of the Second triumvirate (a three-man alliance which defeated the forces of the assassins of Julius Caesar). At that time Octavian was in charge of Italy and Rome's western territories, while Mac Antony was in charge of the eastern territories. Augustus repaired and expended the Aqua Julia in 11-4 BC. It reached a length of 21.7 kilometres (13 ½ miles). It supplied the eastern part of the city.

Both aqueducts where built by Agrippa, Octavian/Augustus most trusted ally, who was put in charge of public works in the city of Rome.

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โˆ™ 10y ago

The first Roman aqueduct was commissioned by Appius Claudius who was a censor (a public official who was responsible, among other things, for public works) in 312 BC. This was the Aqua Appia. The aqueduct was actually built by contractors. It brought water from sources on the Apennines Mountains 16.4 Km (10 miles) to the east of Rome.

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โˆ™ 10y ago

The first Roman aqueduct was commissioned by Appius Claudius who was a censor (a public official who was responsible, among other things, for public works) in 312 BC. This was the Aqua Appia. The aqueduct was actually built by contractors. It brought water from sources on the Apennines Mountains 16.4 Km (10 miles) to the east of Rome.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

The Roman aqueducts were built by the army. Contrary to popular belief, very few slaves participated in the work.

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When was the first Roman aqueduct built?

The first recorded one was built in 691 B.C. in Assyria, France. yah i agree lol

Does an aqueduct stop water from flowing?

No. An aqueduct is built to transport water.

When was the aqueduct invented?

they were built in the last century and they were used to filter water for romeThe Roman aqueducts were water conduits which took water form the mountains to the cities. Most of them were underground pipes. Some of them were on top of bridgework. This was done when there was a need to cross a valley or it was needed to keep the conduit at a gradient, as the Romans relied on gravity to make the water move.Roman aqueducts were built whenever they were needed. The first aqueduct was built in 312 BC and it was called the Aqua Appia. Others followed whenever and wherever they were needed.The Roman aqueducts were built over a period of 500 years, with the first being built in 321 BCE. This was the Aqua Appia, which carried water to the City of Rome from a source about 16.4 km away.

Give you an example with aqueduct in a sentence?

The soldiers built an aqueduct to carry water from the fresh spring to the fort nearby.

How do you use the word aqueduct in a sentence?

Well, an aqueduct is bodies of water connected by rivers or streams, so I would say something like "Last summer, I built a mini aqueduct on the beach."I am digging an aqueduct for the community.

Pipeline or channel built to carry water?

"E" Aqueduct. (;

What is an aquduct?

An Aqueduct is a Roman Structure built to transport water from the mountains to the city in ancient Rome

How old the aqueduct at rome?

There were 11 aqueducts serving Rome. The first that was built, therefore the oldest, was the Aqua Appia, which was built in 312 BC. Today it would be about 2300 years old.

When was the last Roman aqueduct built?

In the year 226 AD; it was the Aqua Alexandrina, built near Rome.

How long were the Roman aqueducts?

The longest Roman aqueduct still standing is 90 km (57.5 mi) long, or 132 including its side channels. Other long ones include a 95 km aqueduct in Cologne (Germany) and a 91 km one in Rome.

When did the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct become a world heritage site?

The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal is in Wales. It was built at the end of the 18th century. It was selected by UNESCO in 2009.

How do you write aqueduct in a sentence?

It is dangeous for children to play in an aqueduct when it's going to rain.Adeducts connect two water areas.Some adeducts are large enough for a grown man to stand inside.