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The Puritans, then they became afraid that the children were becoming Dutchified, and came to America.

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Q: Which religious sect fled persecution in England by traveling to holland?
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Why did the puritans come to north America?

The Puritans came to the US to escape religious persecution in Europe. They left England, many going to Holland so that they could worship in their way instead of that of the Church of England. In Holland, persecution from the Catholics eventually led to their immigration to the Colonies to allow them religious freedom.For religion.

When the pilgrims left England in 1607 where did they move to?

Because of religious persecution in England, the Pilgrims moved to Holland in 1607 to 1608. The Pilgrims were also called Separatists because they left the Church of England. From Holland, they voyaged to America in 1620.

Primary reasion pilgrims left Holland for America?

to escape from religious persecution

What aws the primary reason the pilgrim left holland for America?

Religious persecution

Who were the trek Boer's?

The trek Boers were immigrants from Holland and Belgium, many of them fleeing from religious persecution back home.

Did the pilgrims move to holland after they left England?

Yes, they were religious refugees and after leaving England they settled for a short while near Amsterdam, Holland.

Why did the puritans move from Holland to North America?

The Puritans moved from Holland to North America to seek greater religious freedom and autonomy. They also wanted to establish a settlement where they could establish a community based on their religious beliefs and practices without interference or persecution.

Why did puritans move from Holland to North America?

The separatists and Puritans left England because of religious persecution. They came to North America to escape the control of the Church of England.

What was the main reason puritans and separatists established the Plymouth colony?

In England, there were many groups being religiously persecuted. The Quakers were among those groups, therefore, first went to Holland, and then onward to the New World. Answer then to get out from under religious persecution.

What is the name of the Dutch city which was home to the Pilgrim Fathers before they sailed to America?

About half of the passengers on the Mayflower were Separatists who had fled from England to Leiden, Holland to escape persecution. Source:

What happened when the pilgrims landed on Plymouth rock?

The pilgrims had left England for Holland to flee religious persecution. They left Holland after disliking the "dutchification" of their children. The pilgrims were separatists who wanted to remain English but wished to be free to practice their religion. They secured a charter to go to Jamestown, their original destination, but were blown off course. After scouting the surrounding area the pilgrims finally settled at Plymouth Plantation.

The pilgrims left England primarily because they?

The Pilgrims were religious dissidents who defied the canon and rules of the Church of England and openly violated mandatory attendance rules in Britain. They fled to Holland due to religious persecution , but feared they would lose their British identity there. As a result, they chose to sail to the British colonies in the New World.