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Q: Which religion had very few immigrants?
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what region had very few immigrants?

the south

What dream did the first immigrants have?

Immigrants to America probably dreamed of freedom of religion and plentiful land

Why did Chinese immigrants choose America?

Many Chinese immigrants came for the gold, or were enticed by the "Land of Opportunity". Most were looking for a new, more comfortable life. Very few found it.

What religion were the Romans when Jesus was crucified?

At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.

What would have been considered a push factor of immigrants?

Being discriminated against for your religion

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what region had very few immigrants?

the south

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There are very few factories left in London.

What region had very few immmigrants?

Antarctica had very few immigrants due to its extreme climate, remote location, and lack of permanent human habitation.

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Religion does not fit in Britain. It is a Christian country but very few people follow the religion or the teachings of the Bible.

What was life like for new immigrants when they got to the US?

Hard. They had no knowledge of the land and very few supplies

What dream did the first immigrants have?

Immigrants to America probably dreamed of freedom of religion and plentiful land

Why did Chinese immigrants choose America?

Many Chinese immigrants came for the gold, or were enticed by the "Land of Opportunity". Most were looking for a new, more comfortable life. Very few found it.

From which continent are the fewest new immigrants coming to the US?

Antarctica. Due to its extreme climate and lack of permanent human settlement, very few immigrants come to the US from this continent.

What religion do most Hispanic immigrants practice?

There are immigrants from a variety of countries here and they have a variety of religions.

What are the benefits of immigrants to Australia?

they bring Instruments, food, cooking, recipies, job skills, art, religion, clothing, culture, music, dances, knowledge and tradition to name a few :)

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What did the Ku Klux Klan focus its attention on in the 1920s?

Immigrants and religion