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Carmella Mosciski

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Q: Which product did the colonists start making because the British government taxed it so heavily.?
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Why did the colonists use the phrase no taxation without representation?

The colonists were British people, and as such, they felt entitled to elected representation in the British Parliament. The British government did not see things that way, and so there were no Members of Parliament from the colonies. "No taxation without representation" is the colonists' encapsulation of their demand to be treated as British citizens.

How did the French and Indian War have an effect on the American Revolution?

The French and Indian war led to British becoming broke which equals taxation which equals Colonists not wanting to pay which leads to war which leads to American Revolution.

Why did the people of Boston dislike the British soldiers?

The Bostinians were angry with the British troops in their town because the British were taxing them heavily in order to pay for the cost of the French and Indian war. The British used methods like the Stamp Act and the Navigation Acts to get more money. When the British saw the colonists getting angrier and getting close to the state of rebellion, they sent in troops to Boston to control the colonists. This eventually caused the Boston Massacre, in which seven British soldiers fired into an American crowd, killing five colonists.

What problems developed between the colonist and british?

Because the British wanted to rule over the colonist and the colonist did not want to be ruled over by the British. Or for that matter they did not want to be ruled over by anybody because they wanted to be a free country.

What caused the French and Indian War and how did it affect North America?

The French & Indian Was was the expansion of the British - French fight for supremacy onto North American soil. Both sides worked to attract the many Indian tribes to their side, although the white colonists in North America heavily favored the British. The war affected North America because the British defeated the French in the New World, thereby setting the stage for the British vs colonist American Revolution.

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Which product did the colonists start making because the British government taxes it so heavily?


Which products did the colonists start making the British government taxed it so heavily?


What message did the Boston Tea Party send the British?

The colonists were outraged when the British taxed the colonists (after the French Indian War) crazy amounts. The British had a large tax on the colonists favorite drink, tea. So the colonists dumped a ton of tea off a British ship in Boston Harbor to make the point that they did not want to be taxed so heavily.

Why were bostonians angry with British in their town?

The Bostinians were angry with the British troops in their town because the British were taxing them heavily in order to pay for the cost of the French and Indian war. The British used methods like the Stamp Act and the Navigation Acts to get more money. When the British saw the colonists getting angrier and getting close to the state of rebellion, they sent in troops to Boston to control the colonists. This eventually caused the Boston Massacre, in which seven British soldiers fired into an American crowd, killing five colonists.

Military engagement that although technically a British victory cost the redcoats heavily and led the king to declare the colonists in revolt?

Bunker Hill

Before 1763 the American colonies had been?

Heavily taxed by the British government.

Why did the American colonies declare their independence from british empire?

Some of the reasons the American colonies declared their independence from the British empire:The colonists were heavily taxedColonists had no say in their own affairsParliament made their laws

Why did the colonists use the phrase no taxation without representation?

The colonists were British people, and as such, they felt entitled to elected representation in the British Parliament. The British government did not see things that way, and so there were no Members of Parliament from the colonies. "No taxation without representation" is the colonists' encapsulation of their demand to be treated as British citizens.

Why did England begin to heavily tax the colonies?

because they were in debt from the war and needed money, so they taxed the colonists.

Should the colonists stay british?

No, because if they hadn't then we would have been heavily taxed, we wouldn't be allowed to own firearms to defend ourselves (the bad guys would still have them), and there wouldn't be as much racial tolerance in the United States.

How were the American colonists justified in leaving the English empire?

It depends on whom you ask. The British would say that colonists had no right at all to leave the empire. They viewed their colonists as being ungrateful brats with a pee-pants attitude. They came to this conclusion after the French and Indian war. The British paid heavily with their lives, and with their money to defeat the French and expand their empire in North America. They expected the colonists to help them pay for the expenses through taxation. The colonists were angered by all of the taxes, and the continued presence of British Red Coats after the war was over. The colonists felt justified in leaving the empire because they strongly believed in "no taxation without representation." The British Parliament had no colonial representitives in it, nor did they want colonial representitives.

Why did the British government start taxing the colonies?