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James Madison was living in the White House when the British torched it 1814.

He had left some days earlier, but his wife in the White House until shortly before the British arrived. The house was built mostly of stone and so did not really burn down to the ground, but the interior was gutted making the house unlivable for a long time.

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Q: Which president was in the White House when it was burnt down?
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What happened to the white House while James Madison was president?

It caught on fire, and partially burnt down. Then they rebuilt it.

What date in 1812 was the White House burnt down?

While the White House was burnt down during the War of 1812, it wasn't burn down in 1812. Instead it was burnt down on August 24, 1814 by British soldiers.

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nobody saved them .

Prior to the administration of President James Monroe what was the name of the White House in Washington DC?

The President's home was called The Executive Mansion or the President Palace.One Hundred and Seven Years ago (today) Oct 12, 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt decided to call it "The White House" because during the war of 1812 the British BURNT down the White House. they rebuilt and painted it white.Source: CBS TV Sunday morning program "Good Morning"

Who was the president when the White House burnt down?

James Madison was the President who had to flee his home to avoid the British. His wife, Dolley, managed to save some important documents and art work before she fled.

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The White House was burned by the British during the War of 1812.

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Who burnt down the White House in 1814?

In 1814, during the War of 1812, the mansion was set ablaze by the British Army in the Burning of Washington, destroying the interior and charring much of the exterior. It was not burnt down, more singed.

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What did dolley Madison do important?

She married a president and had a very great personality. She saved the portrait of George Washington and also saved the Declaration of Independence from the first White House before it got burnt down by the British in the war of 1812.