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Q: Which president vetoed the bill that would recharter the Second National Bank?
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Which president was cast out of the Whig party?

John Tyler was ejected by the Whigs after he vetoed the bill to recharter the Bank of The United States.

How did John Tyler disappoint members of his own party?

He vetoed legislation to restore the national bank.

How did Jackson react to the bill to recharter of the bank of the US?

He vetoed it. Not wanting to wait for the charter to expire, he withdrew federal funds from the bank.

What president was asked to leave his party?

Tyler was expelled from the Whigs after he vetoed the second bank bill.

What was Andrew Jackson most famous veto?

Andrew Jackson pocket vetoed seven bills during his two terms as president, and he vetoed five additional bills (these were regular or return vetoes). His first pocket veto was a bill "to authorize a subscription for stock on the part of the United States in the Louisville and Portland Canal Company." That pocket veto was in 1830. Jackson vetoed several bills to appropriate money that the treasury did not have and which violated Jackson's promise to balance the budget and pay the national debt.

How did Andrew Jackson destroy the Second National Bank?

He ordered the Treasury to put the money in state banks.(:

Who vetoed the third bank of the United States?

The 10th president, John Tyler vetoed it

What did President Jackson did about the national bank?

US President Andrew Jackson removed all government funds from the Bank of the United States. He also vetoed a new charter for the bank in 1832.

What government body can be vetoed by the president?

the president can veto acts of congress

What president vetoed the civil rights bill?

Andrew Johnson vetoed the post-Civil War bill.

The actions of which government body can be vetoed by the president?

Any bills passed by the House of Representatives can be vetoed by the President. The President may veto the entire bill or any part of it.

Who vetoed the national bank in 1832?

Andrew JAckson