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Martha Washington was with her husband at Valley Forge and other places.

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Q: Which president's wife would join him on the battlefield during the American Revolution?
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Who were the presidents before the American Revolution?

Since there was no America before the revolution there was no presidents; but during the revolution John Hancock was the president of the Continental Congress, which was in charge until the war was over and a new government could be set up.

Which president's wife joined him on the battlefield during the American Revolution?

Martha Washington was with her husband at Valley Forge and other places.

What did Molly Pitcher do as a job?

She brought water to soldiers on the battlefield during the american revolution. Hope this helps!

Which president's wife would join him on the battlefield during the American Revolution?

Martha Washington was with her husband at Valley Forge and other places.

What presidents lived during the American revolution?

George Washington, john Adams, thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James monroe, john Quincy Adams(he was only a boy during the revolution), and Andrew Jackson

When and at which battlefield did the American Revolution War end?

The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle during the American Revolution, and General Charles Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781. Although the Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle during the revolution, minor battles and fighting still occurred for the next two years.

During the American Revolution what were the colonists doing?

During the american revolution the colonists regulated trade and taxes since the American Revolution was precipitated.

Whose side was Arkansas on during the American Revolution?

Arkansas was not even a state during the American Revolution.

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The governor of Louisiana during the American Revolution was Bernardo de Galez

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What impact has the American Revolution have the development of communication?

During the American Revolution there were big developments that were made which had a major impact on communication. Photography opened up the world of people being able to see what was taking place, newspapers were helping to spread media messages to others, and telegraph machines allowed for communication from various points with those on the battlefield.

Who were theLoyalists in the American Revolution?

People who where on the side of great Britain during the American Revolution