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Q: Which philosopher had a major influence on the social and political behavior in the Han Dynasty?
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Which dynasty did the great Chinese philosopher live in?

The Zhou Dynasty was under reign when he was born.

What is political dynasty?

A political dynasty is a family in which many members are involved in politics. The Kennedy family is a notable political dynasty in recent U.S. history.

Did the Qin dynasty have any influence on the outside of China how?

The qin dynasty did not have influence outside of china because all info was lost once the dynasty was defeted

What are the effects of political dynasty?

the effect of political dynasty is it can cause of corruption,but it depends to the family that will governed the city said.

What dynasty laid the foundation for principles of government and political legitimacy?

Zhou dynasty

What influence did Cleopatra have on the world?

Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.Cleopatra was a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She had no influence on the world at large. Her only sphere of influence was Egypt, ts immediate vicinity, and upon individuals.

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How did Confucianism influence the Han Dynasty?

His education beliefs

Who was trying to pass the Chinese civil service exam to gain a government position in the Han Dynasty needed to have extensive knowledge of what philosopher?

The Chinese civil service exam under the Han dynasty required a fair knowledge of the writings of the philosopher Confucius -or at least the writings attributed to him.

What was the political structure of the Ming Dynasty?

Confusion Philosophy

Are you agree in a political dynasty?

No, it is against the spirit of democracy