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It was Plato. He elaborated it in a book called The Republic.

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Q: Which philosopher's idea of who should govern based on the principle of rule by a wise philosopher-king?
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Why did Plato think that kings and philosophers should rule?

Plato believed that philosophers possessed the wisdom and knowledge needed to govern justly and effectively. He argued that rulers who were guided by reason and virtue, as philosophers are, would prioritize the well-being of the entire society over their own interests. This would lead to a harmonious and just society.

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How did Plato think that philosophers should be the leaders of governments?

Plato believed that philosophers were best suited to govern due to their pursuit of knowledge, virtues, and wisdom. He thought that their understanding of truth and justice would lead to a more just and efficient government, guided by reason rather than self-interest. Plato believed that philosophers, through their love of truth and the greater good, would rule in the best interest of the state as a whole.

Who thought the governments should be run by philosopher-kings?

The concept of philosopher-kings was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work "The Republic." Plato believed that rulers should be philosophers who possessed wisdom, knowledge, and a deep understanding of justice in order to govern society effectively and justly.

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Did Plato thein the wise men should run the government?

Yes, Plato believed that a philosopher-king, who possessed both wisdom and knowledge, should be the ruler of the government in order to ensure the well-being of society. He argued that those who seek power for the sake of power are not fit to govern effectively.

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Should a nation have freedom or ability to govern first before becoming independent?

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