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Crispus Attucks

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Q: Which person was killed in the Boston massacre and later became a symbol of the abolitionist movement?
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Who was killed in the Boston massacre and later became a symbol of abolitionist movement?


Which person was killed in the Boston massacre and later became a symbol of the abolitionist?

Crispus Attucks

What person was killed in the Boston massacre and later became a symbol of the abolitionist movement?

all i know abou the Boston Massacre is that there were a group of like crazy people throwing rocks and making fun of the guards( that have like red shirts and black tall furry hats ) and then the guards started shooting at them .

The movement for women's rights was initially aligned with?

The Abolitionist movement. "Thereafter, the struggle for women's rights became closely aligned with the abolitionist movement." (Patterson, 159)

Working in the abolitionist movement gave women what?

Working in the abolitionist movement gave women a sense of political aspirations. As a result, women became more concerned about the feminist movement.

Who was the former slave became a leader in the abolitionist movement in the US?

Frederick Douglass

Who was a former slave who became a leader of the abolitionist movement in the US?

Frederick Douglass

The crowd that became involved in the Boston Massacre had initially assembled to protest what?

The presence of British soliers in Boston.

Which event became a symbol of british tyranny over the colonists?

Boston massacre

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were involved in which reform movement before they became involved in women's rights movement?

the abolitionist movement

Was the major consequence of the Boston Massacre?

More colonists became angry about British actions.

What was major consequences of the Boston massacre?

More colonists became angry about British actions.