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The Democratic-Republicans, who were opposed to the Federalists.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

The Anti- Federalist party including Thomas Jefferson supported a weak federal government.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

the Americans wanted a weak national government

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Q: Which party wanted a weak national government and more power with the states?
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What political party favors a strong federal government?

In the 1790's Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist Party favored a strong centralized federal government and wanted the individual states to ratify the constitution, even though it meant the states had to give up some of their powers to the federal government.

Which political party wanted a strong central government?

The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, wanted a strong national government for the US.

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Who wanted a strong central government?

18th Century: Federalists (Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin) 19th Century: Whigs (Henry Clay, Daniel Webster)20th Century: Liberal Democrats (FDR, HST, JFK, LBJ)21st Century: Democratic Party

Did the Democratic Party support the National Bank?

In the early part of the political party, the Democratic party did not support the creation the National Bank. The Democrats believed in states rights and wanted to make sure that the country stuck to the Constitution as much as possible.

What was the difference between the early Democratic-Republican Party and the Federalists?

Federalists wanted to support England and also wanted a strong and powerful government, a national bank, and a loose interpretation of the Coast. The Democratic-Republicans wanted to support France and also wanted a small federal government, no national bank, and a strict interpretation of the Coast.

What party opposed states powers?

The biggest conflicts in the drafting of the United States Constitution and setting up the government were between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Federalists wanted a stronger central government, with less power reserved for the states.

What party wanted a strong central government to control all of the States?

Republican (they were actually democrats, but when political parties were first starting, democrats were called republicans and republicans were called federalists)...sorry if i confused you, but just say republican and you will be fine. ha