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Q: Which part of the empire suffered the most invasion?
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What Empire overthrew the Byzantine empire?

The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire

Who led the Huns on invasions in the eastern half of the rome empire?

It was Attila. He did not actually invade Rome. He carried out three raids on the eastern part of the Roman Empire. He tried to invade Gaul, in the western part of the Roman Empire, but was defeated in a big battle. Finally he invaded Italy, also in the western part of the empire, but had to give the invasion up.

When did the Romans empire end?

The western half of the Roman empire ended in 476 AD and the eastern half ended in 1453.

What civilization did the byzantine empire reflect the most?

The Roman Empire, as it was its surviving eastern part.

Was byzantine empire existed for 200 years for 1000 yrears?

The western part of the Roman Empire disintegrated under the wight of the Germanic invasion. The eastern part of the empire was distant from these areas of invasions and was not affected by it. Byzantine Empire is a term which has been coined by historians. The Romans called it Roman Empire. The term refers to the eastern part of the empire after the fall of the western part. It is used to indicate the fact that after it lost most of its non Greek territories (because of invasions by Arabs and Slavs) it became centred on Greece and Greek in character. Greek replaced Latin as the official language of the empire in 620. The term Byzantine is derived from Byzantium, the name of the Greek city which was redeveloped and turned into the capital of the eastern part of the empire and renamed Constantinople.

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The invasion of Gaul by the Vandals, Sueves and Alans who crossed the frozen river Rhine in 406 was the beginning of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. By 409 they moved to Hispania (Spain and Portugal). The Vandals and Alans then moved on to north-western Africa and took it over, forming the Kingdom of the Vandals. The invasion of Gaul started a series of events that led to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire over a number of decades. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by this invasion and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.

When did the Rome empire begin to fall?

The process which led to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire started with the invasion of Gaul by the Vandals, Sueves and Alans in 406. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for 1,000 years.

What Empire overthrew the Byzantine empire?

The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire

Who led the Huns on invasions in the eastern half of the rome empire?

It was Attila. He did not actually invade Rome. He carried out three raids on the eastern part of the Roman Empire. He tried to invade Gaul, in the western part of the Roman Empire, but was defeated in a big battle. Finally he invaded Italy, also in the western part of the empire, but had to give the invasion up.

When did the Romans empire end?

The western half of the Roman empire ended in 476 AD and the eastern half ended in 1453.

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What civilization did the byzantine empire reflect the most?

The Roman Empire, as it was its surviving eastern part.

Was byzantine empire existed for 200 years for 1000 yrears?

The western part of the Roman Empire disintegrated under the wight of the Germanic invasion. The eastern part of the empire was distant from these areas of invasions and was not affected by it. Byzantine Empire is a term which has been coined by historians. The Romans called it Roman Empire. The term refers to the eastern part of the empire after the fall of the western part. It is used to indicate the fact that after it lost most of its non Greek territories (because of invasions by Arabs and Slavs) it became centred on Greece and Greek in character. Greek replaced Latin as the official language of the empire in 620. The term Byzantine is derived from Byzantium, the name of the Greek city which was redeveloped and turned into the capital of the eastern part of the empire and renamed Constantinople.