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Q: Which office did Lech Walesa eventually rise to after starting as a Solidarity leader?
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Which office did Lech Walesa eventually rise to after starting Solidarity leader?


Which office did lech Walesa eventually rise to after starting a solidarity leader?


Who was the solidarity leader in Poland?

Lech Walesa .

Who founded the polish national trade union solidarity?

The Leader of "Solidarity" was Lech Walesa. he was born in 29 September 1943 and president of Poland

Who became the internationally recognized leader of the Solidarity movement in Poland?

Lech Walesa

What event took place in Poland in 1981?

In 1981 General Jaruzelski ( dictator and leader of Communist party) declered martial law ,Solidarity was banned and its leaders arrested.(Lech Walesa the head of a trade union called SOLIDARITY)

What Polish labor leader founded the union Solidarity and helped end communism in Poland?

Lech Walensa

Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983?

Lech Walesa, the leader of the Solidarity trade union in Poland, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983 for his non-violent efforts to promote democracy and workers' rights in his country.

Why was solidarity important to Poland and other countries?

Solidarity was a trade union that organised Polish workers in the 1980s and stood up to the communist government of the time. Its leader was Lech Walesa. Amongst the many other things that were going on in easter Europe's communist countries at the time, it contributed to the eventual downfall of communism in those countries. It tried for social and political reform and negotiated with the Polish government. The government did ban it and tried to stop it, but it survived and eventually Lech Walesa got into politics and he became president of Poland after the fall of communism.

How did the solidarity movement led to polish independence?

It was when the polish were weak after WW1 and then lech walesa (pronounced lekh valensa) the leader, made Poland a stronger econamy and a democratic country. Then now all the polish people are living in peace but Poland still has problems with the government. So that is pretty much what you need to know about the Solidarity. There is much more, but this is all the basic stuff. Good Luck in whatever you need this for!! :) :) :)

What nation was Lech Walesa the leader of?

He became President of Poland.

Who was the leader solidarity?

Paul Laughter