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Q: Which of theses sentences does not descirbe emancipation?
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Salubrious. Exotic. Charming. Pleasant.

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I think is Descirbe you self

Is a thesis statementlists multiple supporting points topic sentences are?

No, a thesis statement is a single sentence that presents the main idea or argument of an essay, while topic sentences are specific statements that support the thesis by introducing the main point of each body paragraph. Topic sentences act as mini-theses within the body paragraphs.

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Some adjectives that describe a pirate:seagoinguntrustworthyunscrupulousunwashedarmeddesperatechemically fortifiedshort-lived

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I don't think a number line is appropriate for that.

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The singular form of "theses" is "thesis."

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it is the difference between the smallest and the biggest value

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You might descirbe them as angry.

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