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had influences on each other

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Q: Which of these has been a result of the different cultures that have come to America A they never assimilate B they never influence each other C they influence each other but retain their origins?
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North America is known for its many different cultures and food.

Why have Christmas traditions in America been influenced by so many different cultures?

Because America is a country that has people of many different cultures in it, and they bring their traditions with them.

How did environment influence native American cultures in North America?

Yes it was because they could get shelter and get food

What is western influence?

Western influence is the act of people in other continents like Africa, Asia or America getting carried by the cultures of the European people.

Why do immigrants sacrifice their own heritage for America?

to assimilate, they have to.

What does America see as its area of influence?

The various countries in America have different spheres of influence, you need to specify which country.

What was the Americanization movement?

It was designed to assimilate people of wide-ranging culters into the domain cultures. Schools provided programs to teach immigrants skills needed for citizenship. my textbook says, Americanizaion movement was an education program designed to help immigrants assimilate to American culture. I agree with the education program

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Before 1500 there were several different kinds of Native American cultures in North America. There were farmers, fisher cultures, and hunter gatherers.

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America is a tossed salad because of all the different races and cultures and different people that live it ya

What is the theory that America is a country of different cultures fusing together?

melting pot

How did France influence the culture of Latin America?

France owned Latin America for a long time so a result of that and immigration probably blended the two cultures together.

What are different cultures?

Different cultural regions are: South America, Central America, Chiapas in the southeastern corner of Mexico plus, Chiapas is a political region to.