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That depends on what you mean by "rights". The word is tossed around quite often without regard to what the founders were trying to actually set up. I would study The Basic Symbolism of the American Political Tradition by Kendall to understand how distorted this type of wording has become.

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Q: Which of the rights in the Massachusetts Body of Liberties is also found in the Bill of Rights?
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Where can civil liberties be found?

They can be found in the Bill of Rights, specifically. The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution, but it is the Bill of Rights where civil liberties are addressed.

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The rights found in the Bill of Rights protect the natural rights of the people, including the right of life, liberty, and property. They are limitations against the power of the federal government when dealing with the natural rights of the people.

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d (plato)

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d (plato)

What principle guides the courts interpretation of the civil liberties found in the bill of rights?

d (plato)

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The first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights

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The answer can be found in the in this court case.

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The majority of state constitutions include some form of a bill of rights. Typically, they mirror the rights found in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.

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The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

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The Bill of Rights

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