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Slave women had the right to go to court for protection against cruelty or rape by their owners

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Q: Which of the following statements is true of New Orleans under Spanish rule?
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Orleans had been undersiege for seven months before Joan arrived.

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Internal financial statements and pbulished financial statements of a company are different in the following ways: 1. Terminologies - For example, for internal accounts, we use sales, but for publised accounts, we use turnover. 2. Details - In internal income statements, we list down all the expenses, but under published income statements, expenses are grouped tinto administration and distribution. 3. Format - Publised financial statement must follow a straight format according to FRS 101 and Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements. 4. Disclosure - Need to disclose the following under published accounts, (1) significant accounting policies (2) financial cost (3) earning per share (4) related party transaction (5) income tax expenses, etc The above disclosures are not required under internal financial statements.

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What did the Americans gain from the 1795 treaty with Spain?

shipping rights on the Mississippi River and access to New Orleans

What country controlled the city of New Orleans in 1776?

New Orleans was founded in 1718 and was under the rule of France as part of its colonization of the New World. In 1763 the city was ceded to Spain until 1801 when it was returned to French control. In 1803, Napoleon sold the city to the young United States.

What major battle did the Americans under Andrew Jackson win?

He defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans. It was a decisive victory and made him a national hero.