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extreme, reckless charges that caused people to lose their jobs and destroyed their reputations

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Q: Which of the following describes the method that Joseph R. McCarthy used which came to be known as McCarthyism?
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Who was involved in mccarthyism?

Joseph McCarthy.

What describes the method that Joseph McCarthy used which came to be known as McCarthyism?

Extreme, reckless charges that caused people to lose their jobs and destroyed their reputations.

What describes the method that Joseph r McCarthy used which to be known as McCarthyism?

Extreme, reckless charges that caused people to lose their jobs and destroyed their reputations.

What describes the method that Joseph R. McCarthy used which came to be known as mccarthyism?

Extreme, reckless charges that caused people to lose their jobs and destroyed their reputations.

Who is mccarthyism named after?

U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy In the 1950s he was infamous for his "witch hunt" for communists.

How did the cold war further the career of senator Joseph mcCarthy?

Joseph McCarthy's career was furthered by the Cold War, as the Cold War brought about the red scare, and it gave a rapid rise to Mccarthyism in america, and Joseph McCarthy was very busy hunting communists for quite some time.

What is the significance of Senator Joseph McCarthy?

McCarthyism are attacks (made) by Senator Joseph McCarthy (and others).

Why is Joseph McCarthy in the history books?

Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin was known for being VERY anti-communist. Attacks (and I don't mean physical) on suspected communist were even refered to as McCarthyism.

What is McCarthy witch hunts?

Joseph McCarthy did not hunt witches, he sought out and persecuted anyone who had communistic values or tendencies, he would oversee hearings and blackballed so many people that this kind of persecution is known as "McCarthyism"

What were Arthur Miller's feelings about McCarthyism?

Joseph McCarthy accused Arthur Miller of being a communist, so the feelings that he harbored toward McCarthy were unpleasant, to say the least. His play "After the Fall" seems to be modeled on his feelings.

Who was the us senator responsible for the anti-communist movement known a red scare?

The US senator's name was Joseph McCarthy. The Red Scare is also known as McCarthyism.

Who was the key person in McCarthyism?

Joseph Stalin was the key person in McCarthyism. He employed agents in the US, many in high political offices. It was named after Joseph McCarthy, a senator and republican from wisconsin. He charged that communists were taking over the government, and took advantage of peoples concerns about communism. If succeeded at first, but eventually fell out of favor.