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The central power that was led by an autocrat was Germany.

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Q: Which of the central powers was led by an autocrat?
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What is an autocrat?

An autocrat is a ruler who has absolute power and authority over a nation, often making decisions without input from others or a system of checks and balances. Autocrats typically exercise control through oppressive or authoritarian means, limiting the freedom and rights of their citizens.

What is the meaning of autocrat?

An absolute sovereign; a monarch who holds and exercises the powers of government by claim of absolute right, not subject to restriction; as, Autocrat of all the Russias (a title of the Czar)., One who rules with undisputed sway in any company or relation; a despot.

Who left the central powers?

Italy left the Central powers before they were known as the central powers.

Did Italy switch to central powers?

No, Italy did not switch to the Central Powers. Italy switched from the Central Powers to the Allied Powers.

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Tagalog Translation of AUTOCRAT: diktador

What were Austria Hungary Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria Germany called?

the central powers

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What is the definition of the word autocrat?

An absolute ruler, especially a monarch who holds and exercises the powers of the government as by inherit right, not subject to restrictions.

What are two countries that belonged to the central powers?

In World War I, the Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire. They were joined by Bulgaria in 1915. Italy refused to go to war despite the Triple Alliance, and later joined the Allies (the Entente Powers led by Great Britain, France, and Russia).

What year did the Allied powers push the central powers out of France in World War 1?

The allied powers did not push the Central powers out of France. The Central powers only left after the armistice.

Did Japan join central powers?

Japan did not join the Central powers, it joined the allied powers.

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