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Is Leif Erikson Polish?

Leif Erikson was one of the most important Viking (from Scandinavia) Explorers. He was Norse, not Polish.

What land did leif erikson discovered?

He is most famous for discovering North America.

What Happend To Leif Eriksson?

It is not exactly known as to when or where Leif Ericson died. Most likely somewhere in Greenland between 1019 and 1025.

Who led an English expedition that sailed along the northeastern most coast of north America and reached Labrador?

It was discovered for Europeans by Leif Erikson in the year 1000, and later in 1497byJohn Cabot.

What was Leif Erikson's religion?

Lief Erikson converted to Christianity from Norse Paganism. His father Erik the Red, however, stayed true to his ancestors.

Did Leif Erikson explore alone?

No, he always had crew, maybe sometimes more than one ship but not on his most famous voyages of exploration. When he discovered North America his crew included people who had been there before, but did not land.

Was the Indians Leif Erickson met was dangerous?

He didn’t meet any Native Americans and most likely if he had he would have killed them.

Was the Indians Leif Erickson met dangerous?

He didn’t meet any Native Americans and most likely if he had he would have killed them.

What types of explorations did the vikings have?

Most Vikings travels are finding new islands everywhere they go, some vikings travel to find new land. Leif Erikson actually was the first European to step on America, 500 years before Columbus.

Who were the first europeans to visit America?

It is surmised that the first Europeans came from Viking backgrounds. An explorer named Leif Erikson visited the east coast of North America almost 500 years before Columbus.

What was Erik Erikson most well known for?

Erik Erikson is most well known for the term he coined which was "identity crisis". He was a developmental scientist from the country of Germany and didn't even have a bachelor degree.

How was Leif Erricson?

If you mean Who was Leif Ericsson, he was a viking from 1000ad. His father was Eric the Red, another famous explorer who discovered Greenland. Leif was born in Iceland. With some help from Bjarni Herjolfsso, Leif set sail and landed somewhere in Canada, most likely Labrador, or Newfondland. He named it Vinland (probably because of the vines), and left to go back to Greenland and tell the rest of the Vikings to come to Vinland. They did but the Vikings quickly died out.