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Q: Which native Americans lived and worked there at san gabriel arcangel?
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How many people lived in the San Gabriel Arcangel?

The San Gabriel Mission was established in 1771 in California. At its peak, it housed around 2,000 Native Americans who were converted to Christianity and lived and worked at the mission.

What did the Indians do on the missions?

Native Americans worked, sleep, ate,

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The franciscan monk who worked for the rights of Native Americans was Junipero Serra. It was in 1769. -Bebe

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That they worked

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Native Americans and people who worked at the mission lived there.Priests and spanish worked at the mission.

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Native Americans and people who worked at the mission lived there.Priests and spanish worked at the mission.

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They passed laws that gave lands of the Native Americans to the whites. They also worked to place these people onto reservations.

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Before enslaved Africans worked on plantations, indentured servants and Native Americans were commonly employed to work on plantations in the Americas. Indentured servants were typically poor Europeans who worked in exchange for passage to the Americas, while Native Americans were sometimes captured and forced to work on plantations.

What are some of Kit Carson's accomplishments?

he had many statue's of himself he also worked out native Americans problem's