First Christmas message broacast by a monarch on the radio was King George V, 1932. First TV message: Queen Elizabeth II, 1957.
He made the first radio speech by a Monarch in 1932.
According to Wikipedia, the German Enigma Code was broken by the Polish Cypher Bureau in December 1932 and they passed the information to British and French Intelligence in July 1939
He was first elected in 1932.
I don't now does someone elseIt was a German machine used to encode & decode messages. See pictures at wikipedia. I copied from wikipedia:An Enigma machine is any of a family of related electro-mechanical rotor cipher machines used for the encryption and decryption of secret messages. Enigma was invented by German engineer Arthur Scherbius at the end of World War I.[1] The early models were used commercially from the early 1920s, and adopted by military and government services of several countries - most notably by Nazi Germany before and during World War II.[2] Several different Enigma models were produced, but the German military models are the ones most commonly discussed.In December 1932, the Polish Cipher Bureau first broke Germany's military Enigma ciphers. Five weeks before the outbreak of World War II, on 25 July 1939, in Warsaw, they presented their Enigma-decryption techniques and equipment to French and British military intelligence.[3][4] Thanks to this,[5] during the war, Allied codebreakers were able to decrypt a vast number of messages that had been enciphered using the Enigma. The intelligence gleaned from this source, codenamed "Ultra" by the British, was a substantial aid to the Allied war effort.[6]The exact influence of Ultra on the course of the war is debated; an oft-repeated assessment is that decryption of German ciphers hastened the end of the European war by two years.[7][8][9] Winston Churchill told Britain's King George VI after World War II: "It was thanks to Ultra that we won the war."[10]Although Enigma had some cryptographic weaknesses, in practice it was only in combination with procedural flaws, operator mistakes, captured key tables and hardware, that Allied cryptanalysts were able to be so successful.[11]
Gold standard.
The Polish Marian Rejewski, Jerzy and Henryk~!! A good book, by Robert Harris, Enigma, is next on my to read list. The Polish broke the pre-war machines, in 1932. Then after the war broke out, the Polish sent the information they'd learned to the British who then deciphered the new German war Enigma machines.
First in War - 1932 was released on: USA: 28 May 1932
First Christmas message broacast by a monarch on the radio was King George V, 1932. First TV message: Queen Elizabeth II, 1957.
King George V.
Tinker Toys were made January first 1932
The First Year - 1932 was released on: USA: 31 July 1932 Sweden: 19 September 1932 Finland: 5 March 1933
Siam, now known as Thailand.
Their First Mistake - 1932 was released on: USA: 5 November 1932 Finland: 25 December 1959
He made the first radio speech by a Monarch in 1932.
Amelia Earhart broke record befor she crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone. when she broke record in between 1930 and 1932. wrighten by, Abby Beatty
almost double