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They were the patricians, who were the aristocracy.

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Q: Which members of roman society were a minoity but held most of the power?
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Were Roman citizens ever crucified?

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What are the members of Jesus Society called?

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Were roman empereurs born to role?

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What were the different roles and powers of the various classes in ancient Roman society?

In Rome the rich has power and the poor did not. The Roman republic was an oligarchy where power was in the hands of the Patricians (the aristocracy) and the rich plebeians (the commoners). The patricians owned large landed estates. The rich plebeians, who often received the status of equite (equestrian, cavalryman), the second highest rank in Roman society, were entrepreneurs: bankers, money lenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining. The poor plebeians were artisans, shopkeepers, small traders, peddlars and the unemployed. During the period of rule by emperors the emperors were absolute rulers and the political power of the aristocracy diminished.

How do you describe Patricians?

The patricians were an ancient Roman social class. They were the so-called upper class of Roman society, with most, but not all, being wealthy and having political power.