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Communism as a political or economic philosophy was invented by Karl Marx, but he was not a political leader. The first political leader to create a communist state was Vladimir Ilych Lenin. His version of communism became known as Marxist-Leninism.

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The USSR was never Communist (which would have meant a classless stateless moneyless society). It was state capitalist.

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Vladimir Lenin introduced communism to the former Soviet Union when the Tsar fell and a temporary government was in place.

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Vladimir Lenin
Joseph Stalin

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Vladimir Lenin

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Q: Who was the leader that introduced communism in central planning to the former Soviet Union?
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Who was the leader that introduced communism and central planning to the former Soviet Union?

Vladimir Lenin

Who was the leader that communism and central planning to the former Soviet union?

Vladimir Lenin

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Why did communism fall in Soviet Union in 1991?

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On which gov't does soviet unoin belief?
