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Q: Which leader Calvin or Luther do you think had a greater impact?
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Who was the leader of the religious reformation?

the question should really say leader(s) Henvry VII - Reformation of theEnglish Church to get his way Luther- Fought against the Catholic church for the Protestant values/ Lutheranism Calvin- Followed in the foot steps of Luther providing calvinism/ predestination Anabaptists- Set up the first religious toleration with their ideas check out also Knox, Zwingli and some others too.

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John Calvin. =]john calvin

Who was the leader of the council of ministers.?

John Calvin. =]john calvin

Who was the leader of council of ministers?

John Calvin. =]john calvin

Was Martin Luther King a leader?

Yes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader. He was a leader in the 1950s and 1960s.

What was John Calvin's impact on the world today?

John changed some of the beliefs of the catholic church but named the religon Calvinism. the religon had only two saerments. Their greatest source of authority was the Bible.geneva made john calvin there religous leader

Who was John Calvin what did he do?

John Calvin was an important Reformation leader who taught the ideas of free will and predestination.

What organisation was Martin Luther King Jr leader of?

Martin Luther King was the leader of Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Who is a famous protestant leader?

Martin Luther, a 16th-century German monk, is a famous Protestant leader known for sparking the Protestant Reformation by challenging the Catholic Church's teachings and practices. His "95 Theses" criticized the sale of indulgences and emphasized faith as the key to salvation, leading to the establishment of the Lutheran denomination and inspiring others to break away from the Catholic Church.

Was Martin Luther a leader of Geneva?

No, he had nothing to do with Geneva. Martin Luther was a scholar in Germany.

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Martin Luther King

Who was the leader of the protest reformation in Germany?

Martin Luther was the leader of the Protestant Reformation.