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Q: Which is the most accurate assesment of political differences between the colonies in 1700?
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To what extent was the conflict between Great Britain and her North American colonies economic in origin rather than rooted in political and social controversies and differences?

mr prasovic

What two political events had the greatest impact on American colonial development?

Wars are the wages of political discontent. Two major political events shaped the American colonies. One was the French & Indian War in 1754 to 1763. In this war, the British American colonies and the British army defeated France. This took France out of power or claims in Canada and in the area of the Northern hemisphere from the Mississippi River to as far as the British colonies already existed.The second major political event was the American Revolutionary War. War, again is the offspring of serious political differences. In this case, this war gave birth to a new nation, eventually called the United States.

How did political upheaval in Europe in the 17th and early 18th centuries shape political and econmic life in England American colonies?

Political upheaval made the American colonies want to revolutionize and leave Britain.

What was the differences between Plymouth and Virginia colonies?

They are different states.

What are 3 differences in the civil war and the Revolutionary War?

There were no states just colonies

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Which is the most accurate assessment of political differences between the colonies in 1700?

rhode island had a charter goverment.. plato lol

To what extent was the conflict between Great Britain and her North American colonies economic in origin rather than rooted in political and social controversies and differences?

mr prasovic

Political parties in the Thirteen Colonies?

There were no political parties: the colonies had no representation in Parliament.

What was the political body created by the colonies called?

The political body created by the colonies was called the council. This served as the main governing body in the twelve colonies.

What is an accurate statement about British colonies?

There was a lot of them. :)

Why was South Carolina called South Carolina?

The Carolina colonies were named by King Charles II of England in honor of his father Charles I. The Latin form of Charles is Carolus was feminized to Carolina. The colony split into northern and southern colonies because of political and economic differences.

How did political representation differ in the colonies and in England?

Political representation differed in the colonies when compared to England. The colonists did not have any representation. The English citizens did.

Why was the American Revolution considered to be thirteen separate wars?

Because the colonies were actually 13 different political entities, each rebelling against the country that owned and governed them. There were still major differences between the colonies, but they recognized that they would be better off together than seperately.

What two political events had the greatest impact on American colonial development?

Wars are the wages of political discontent. Two major political events shaped the American colonies. One was the French & Indian War in 1754 to 1763. In this war, the British American colonies and the British army defeated France. This took France out of power or claims in Canada and in the area of the Northern hemisphere from the Mississippi River to as far as the British colonies already existed.The second major political event was the American Revolutionary War. War, again is the offspring of serious political differences. In this case, this war gave birth to a new nation, eventually called the United States.

What were the political leaders of the colonies called?


What was the differences between Plymouth and Virginia colonies?

They are different states.

How did political upheaval in Europe in the 17th and early 18th centuries shape political and econmic life in England American colonies?

Political upheaval made the American colonies want to revolutionize and leave Britain.