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We use Æ (AE) Þ (TH) Í (I) Ý (Y) Ó (O) Ö (OO) É (E) Á (AA) Ú (UU) and we also use this letter Ð/ð (Eseee?) Ð/ð however it can never be used in a beginning of a word, it's only used somewhere in the middle.

We don't use W, Q, Z and C Allthough some people use them in there names

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Q: Which is the alphabet of icelandic?
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How many lettersare are there in the icelandic alphabet?

There are 32 letters in the Icelandic alphabet.

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The letter thorn is a letter that appeared in the Old English, Old Norse and Gothic alphabets it also appeared in Icelandic alphabets. The Icelandic language is the only living language to still thorn, it is the thirtieth letter of their alphabet. It is also noted that it is never used at the end of a word.

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A person from Iceland is called an Icelander. If a person is from Iceland they are Icelandic.

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Icelandic refers to a noun that relates to Iceland. (Iceland is a country btw) For example: An Icelandic person Icelandic food Icelandic scenery Hope this Helps :D Love, Lifeislikethat

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'Uncle' in Icelandic is 'Frændi'.

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'Lava' in Icelandic is 'Hraun'.

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''Goodbye'' in Icelandic is ''bless''.

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Is Icelandic the same as Norsk. if I learn Icelandic will I understand Norsk?

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What is sigur ros icelandic for?

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