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Q: Which is larger in land area china or Soviet Union continent area?
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Which country is larger Soviet Union or China?

Soviet Union.

What continent is sovietnunion canida china US in?

The former Soviet Union and China are in the continent of Asia. Canada and the US are in the continent of North America.

Which is larger in land area Soviet Union or china?

The Soviet Union would have a larger land area if it were still in existence. Since it has split into Russia, it is still larger than the People's Republic of China.

What Continent can these countries with the largest land areas in the world soviet union Canada china united States?

Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore but it was in Asia and Europe Canada is in North America China is in Asia The United states are in North America

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which of these countries was most related japan ,italy,soviet union,or china

Is China part of the Soviet Union?

No, China is not part of the Soviet Union and never has been. In fact, as of December 8, 1991, no country is "part of the Soviet Unon" because the Soviet Union was dissolved and no longer exists.

China and Soviet Union are on what continents?

China is in Asia. The Soviet Union no longer exists but some of the countries that were part of it were in Asia and others in Europe.

President Nixon believed that normalizing relations with China would .?

Drive a wedge between China and the Soviet Union.

What continents are the Soviet Union and china on?

the soviet union is not a country is dis banned several years ago but if it still was a country it and china would be in perezoso

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the U.S. did not want the Soviet Union and China to enter the war.

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