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Q: Which internal organs were removed?
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What happened to the body after the internal organs had been removed?

After the internal organs have been removed the body decays

What happened to the body after the internal organs had been remover?

After the internal organs have been removed the body decays

Why don't Egyptian mummies rot?

The internal organs were removed and the body was treated with embalming chemicals.

What happens to the body after the internal organs had been removed in ancient Egypt?

they were removed quit tuff and they removed it becausethe do not want it to be dull they want it to be interesting. by khubaib barrow

What was the per nefer?

The per-nefer is the "house of beauty" where the internal organs are removed during the Egyptian process of mummification.

Why did Egyptians remove organs?

In ancient Egypt, the organs were removed from the body for the process of mummification. The beliefs of the ancient Egyptians were that the physical body went on a journey to the after life, and the internal organs were a hindrance to that journey.

What Did The Embalers Do With The Internal Organs?

what did te embalrs do with the internal organs

What happened to the body after its internal organs have been removed in mummification?

The left abdomen is slit and the Anubis priests take them out from there.

What did 'ripper' mean?

Jack the Ripper, sliced his victims open and removed some of the their internal organs, he literally 'ripped' his victims apart.

Why is there pools of blood surrounding the internal organs?

To protect you'r internal organs

What are internal organs?

Internal organs are organs that are inside your body, like your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.

What is the downward displacement of internal organs called?

Visceroptosis is the downward displacement of internal organs.