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France had Vietnam as a colony through half of the 20th century because they wanted Another Country helping them during the war

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Q: Which imperial power had Vietnam as a colony through the first half of the 20th century?
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Vietnam declared independence in 1940 hahahahaha?

Japan surrendered to the allies ending WW2 in 1945; Japan departed Vietnam the same year. Vietnam declared its independence from France in 1945. Vietnam was occupied by Japan during WW2, but it had been a French colony for more than a century prior.

Vietnam was was colony of?

Until '40.

How did Vietnam become French speaking?

because vietnam used to be in the french colony

Why was french spoken in Vietnam?

Vietnam was formerly French Indochina, a French colony.

Was Vietnam a colony of France?

Until '40.

Who attempted to keep Vietnam as its colony?

France .

Why do they speak French in Vietnam?

French was introduced to Vietnam during the French colonization period, which lasted from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. As a result, French became the administrative language and was widely used in education and government. Even after Vietnam gained independence, French continued to be spoken by some Vietnamese people due to its historical influence and legacy.

Which countries included in the french colony of indochina?

Tonkin - in Vietnam Annam - in Vietnam Cochinchina - in Vietnam Cambodia Laos

Was Vietnam slaves when the French took over Vietnam?

America was Great Britains colony until 1783. Vietnam was Frances colony until 1954 (with a WWII break in between). Slaves came from Africa.