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Q: Which groups were impacted the most by the selling of indulgences?
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What were Johann Tetzel's beliefs?

Johann Tetzel was perhaps the most famous saleman for indulgences in the 16th century. He worked for Bishop Albert in southern Germany, selling indulgences, (which are documents made by the Catholic Church to give forgiveness of sins and less time in pergatory in exchange for money). He used all kinds of misleading advertising and gimics to sell indulgences, and it was his actions that enraged Martin Luther to write the 95 theses. As for his beliefs, he was a staunch Catholic who probably thought he was doing god's work by selling indulgences to help fund the construction of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

What key issues sparked the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther began by criticizing the selling of indulgences and insisting that the Pope had no authority over purgatory and that the saints did not have any basis in the Gospels. This criticism later grew to include criticism or denouncement of most Catholic principles.

What impacted culture most in America?

Many people would have impacted culture in America. Depending on what state/area you are in will change who impacted the culture the most as there are lost of different types of cultures in the US.

What church practices made martin Luther defy church authorities completely?

A:Martin Luther did not at first seek to defy the Church, but rather to reform it. The Church's intransigence on matters he considered important eventually resulted in his defiance of church authorities. The most important concerns were the practice of buying and selling bishoprics and the practice of selling indulgences, both of which are regarded as simony.

What places were impacted by the Gold Rush?

Most of the West was impacted by the goldrush. However, California and the Black Hills of South Dakota were some of the most severely impacted.

Related questions

Which pope is most closely associated with selling indulgences?

Pope Leo X was accussed by Martin Luther of selling indulgences.

What were Johann Tetzel's beliefs?

Johann Tetzel was perhaps the most famous saleman for indulgences in the 16th century. He worked for Bishop Albert in southern Germany, selling indulgences, (which are documents made by the Catholic Church to give forgiveness of sins and less time in pergatory in exchange for money). He used all kinds of misleading advertising and gimics to sell indulgences, and it was his actions that enraged Martin Luther to write the 95 theses. As for his beliefs, he was a staunch Catholic who probably thought he was doing god's work by selling indulgences to help fund the construction of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

What practises of the Catholic Church was challenged by Luther?

.Catholic AnswerThat is a little difficult to say as Martin Luther, despite his education, and his ordination was remarkably ignorant about actual Church practices. If you read his "95 Theses", some of them are remarkably Catholic (in other words, they were, and are, actual beliefs of the Catholic Church); others are totally off the wall and make no sense. For instance, one that you always hear is that he was against the selling of indulgences, and there were problems with indulgences back then that blurred the line between receiving an indulgence in return for alms, and actual selling indulgences, but indulgences have nothing to do with forgiveness of sin, never had, and never would. And yet that is the most famous and remembered of all the practices challenged by Luther.

What key issues sparked the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther began by criticizing the selling of indulgences and insisting that the Pope had no authority over purgatory and that the saints did not have any basis in the Gospels. This criticism later grew to include criticism or denouncement of most Catholic principles.

What is the relationship between indulgences and the establishment of lutheranism?

Lutheranism plays fair and gives salvation to all.Indulgences are bogus and a waste of money and time.However,most athiests choose indulgences.

What factors helped most to bring about the Protestant reformation?

Kings and princes in northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church. Also: The reformers were were not happy with a lot of the teaching and practices of the Late Medieval Catholic Church . The selling/abuse of indulgences was a concern of Luther. The reform movement really gained momentum When Martin Luther wrote and made public "The Ninety-Five Theses". This was a list of questions and propositions (mainly about the abuse of indulgences) for public debate.

What impacted culture most in America?

Many people would have impacted culture in America. Depending on what state/area you are in will change who impacted the culture the most as there are lost of different types of cultures in the US.

What church practices made martin Luther defy church authorities completely?

A:Martin Luther did not at first seek to defy the Church, but rather to reform it. The Church's intransigence on matters he considered important eventually resulted in his defiance of church authorities. The most important concerns were the practice of buying and selling bishoprics and the practice of selling indulgences, both of which are regarded as simony.

Why did Martin Luther object to the selling of indulgences?

If someone had been selling indulgences for money then Martin Luther might have had a good case as indulgences can not be purchased, although they have always been issued for any of the three works of penance which include prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. On the latter, indulgences had always been granted for almsgiving, but from the latest information we have about the time period, although there were some abuses, it would appear that most of the problem was of Martin Luther's own making. I personally suspect that he was just looking for any reason to throw over the Church, his 95 Theses which included his objections to indulgences really make no sense given even a cursory (unbiased) knowledge of Catholic history and belief. Click on link attached below.Catholic Encyclopedia on Martin Luther

What places were impacted by the Gold Rush?

Most of the West was impacted by the goldrush. However, California and the Black Hills of South Dakota were some of the most severely impacted.

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