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One the most vigorous and dangerous organizations to seek revenge for the Confederate loss in the US Civil War and the resentment of occupying Federal troops in the South came about within the same year of the War's end. The organization was bent on wrecking Reconstruction and striking fear into newly freed slaves.

This organization created confrontations for political reasons, to maintain Southern traditions and most commonly to keep freed Blacks in fear.

In December of 1865, 14 Confederate veterans met in a Pulaski, Tennessee law office to form the Ku Klux Klan. On the surface, the Klan presented itself as a "social club". Insiders knew its real purpose and early into 1867, the Klan was a fully organized terrorist group committed to destroy Reconstruction and burn, kill, and execute Blacks and anyone who stood in their way.

The early success of the Klan was the fear it created and thus caused any witnesses to its crimes to be silent.

The Klan's goals were a "negative force" against white cities and their citizens, and of course their Black citizens. Special attention was given to the Federal governments Freedmen's Bureau's set up to transition freed slaves into main stream America.

In 1866 race riots in Memphis and New Orleans were orchestrated by the Klan. The Klan was able to actually cause freedmen to assert their presumed rights against legitimate white organizations by trickery, making the freedmen seem like the villains. So, as example in Memphis, recently discharged Black Union soldiers clashed with police over an arrest of a Black Man. The Klan's evil genius pitted Whites & Blacks against each other in Memphis and in New Orleans.

The created chaos in deciding who was right or wrong, forced the US Army to not intervene. And on & on such travesties continued in an atmosphere already primed for riots and the like.

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Q: Which group was created in late 1865 to resist Reconstruction efforts in the South?
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