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Q: Which group supported terrorists in Afghanistan?
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Why America attack in Afghanistan?

Because many terrorists involved with the extremist group called Al Qaeda planned attacks from Afghanistan and many members of the group are still there.

What was one of the countries that where the US military attacked terrorists on the war on terror?

Afghanistan was one of the countries.

Which country supported Al-Qaeda in the late 1990s?


Why did the UK join the afghan war?

Afghanistan War is a direct result of the September 11, 2001 attacks. The attacks were caused by Al Qaeda terrorists, who were based in Afghanistan. The Taliban is a radical Islamic group and was the ruling government of Afghanistan at the time. The Taliban refused to allow the US and our allies into Afghanistan to capture or kill the Al Qaeda terrorists, so we declared war on them. We toppled the Taliban regime and nearly crushed Al Qaeda when the Bush administration pushed for the invasion of Iraq. However, the Taliban and Al Qaeda have recovered over the years while our government has been pre-occupied with Iraq. That pretty much sums up why we are fighting in Afghanistan and why we are still fighting there after 7 years.

Did the US invaded Afghanistan in 1979?

No. The Soviet Union, or USSR, invaded Afghanistan in 1979. The US covertly supported the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan who were fighting against the Soviets. After ten years of fighting the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan.

Related questions

What terrorists group operates out of Afghanistan?

It is al-Qaeda.

What group supported terrorist in Afghanistan?

Butty group

Why did Australia invade Afghanistan?

Australia did not invade Afghanistan. Australia was asked to assist in getting rid of a cruel and murderous regime who supported terrorists and terrorism.

Why America attack in Afghanistan?

Because many terrorists involved with the extremist group called Al Qaeda planned attacks from Afghanistan and many members of the group are still there.

What did Obama promised in the 2009?

He promised that he would send U.S troops from Iraq to Afghanistan to fight terrorists group there.

What did Afghanistan invent?

terrorists (osama)

Why is heroin grown in Afghanistan?

they're terrorists

What Afghanistan export makes the most money?


Did Afghanistan request the help of the US or was the US interest to compete with or defeat the Russians involvement in Afghanistan?

The Afghanistan government was allied with the Soviet Union at the time. The US supported the Mujahadeen, which was the group opposing the Soviet activity in Afghanistan (as well as the Afghan government).

What in 2001 was targeted for sheltering terrorists?

In 2001, after the September 11th terror attacks, the USA, UK and NATO declared absolute war on global terrorism. As a result, Afghanistan was invaded for harbouring terrorists and sheltering the terror group responsible for the attacks.

What are the states in Afghanistan?

There are three regions in Afghanistan that are split into sub-regions. Northern Afghanistan is split into the sub-regions of North Eastern Afghanistan and North Western Afghanistan. Central Afghanistan is split into the sub-regions Eastern Afghanistan, Central Afghanistan, and Western Afghanistan. The region of Southern Afghanistan is split into the sub-regions South Eastern Afghanistan, and South Western Afghanistan.

Why did the US invade and bomb Afghanistan in 2001?

The US invaded Afghanistan in an attempt to wage war on terrorism, as Afghanistan is a hub for terrorists. The US is not at war with Afghanistan, but is working with the country to fight terrorism and keep Afghanistan out of terrorist hands. The same ideology was behind the Iraqi War.