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Germans used Zyklon B to gas concentration inmates to death. It was poured down an air shaft in a sealed room full of prisoners. Zyklon powder form became a poison

mist when exposed to air........

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Q: Which gas is used by Hitler to kill the people in gas chember?
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Why did hitler kill not only jews but his own people?

Hitler did not only kill Jews but his own people so as to show powerful he is. He used different forms of propaganda so as to cause deaths of innocent people with the majority being Jews.

How did hitler kill inperfect people?

A variety of means was used. Many were shot, most were gassed.

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During World War 2, Adolf Hitler assassinated the Jewish people in many ways. Jewish people suffered in concentration camps, work camps, and used in medical experimentation.

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Hitler used concentration camps to kill Jew's. who he blamed for the loss of ww1.

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No. The people killed in the Nazi extermination camps were killed by the hundreds and thousands each day. Poison gas and gunfire were used to kill as many people as possible.

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What methods did Adolph Hitler used?

Well, to my knowledge he used lots of different ones to kill off people in Concentration Camps, but the one that killed most people was the Gas Chambers. You could fit over 100 people in at once.

Where was Hitler's gas chamber located?

Hitler had more than one gas chamber. The Nazis had gas chambers at Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, and Auschwitz. They also used poison gas to kill people in hospitals.

How come the country didn't kill Hitler?

They didn't kill him because they followed his views, what people don't understand is every German hated the Jews because the Jews treated the Germans like crap even though the Jewish people didn't even belong in their country, so Hitler took a stand and many Germans followed sick and tired of what the Jews were doing to them, Hitler was a great speaker and a Genius. well what about the gipsies?they didn't treat the Germans like crap or what of disabled people who did they mistreat to warrant death?in fact some Germans who hated Hitler did try to kill him Hitler was no genius ;,shrewd yes, he appealed to the racism in the German people and latched onto that and used it to his advantage. he rallied the people around his racist views. if it hadn't been for that fact i doubt he'd have gotten any where in his campaighn. HITLER WAS AN ERSE HOLE

What method did Hitler used to killed a lot of people in World War 2 and why?

by using gasing chambers. they killed thousands because it was an easy secretive way to kill jews.

What is the use of gallows if not for incarnate demon?

Gallows are used to hang people, to kill them. Often for people believed to be criminals.Gallows are used to hang people, to kill them. Often for people believed to be criminals.Gallows are used to hang people, to kill them. Often for people believed to be criminals.Gallows are used to hang people, to kill them. Often for people believed to be criminals.