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Q: Which food plant was native to the new world?
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Which food plant was native of the new world?

it is rose for the native plant in the old world

Which food plants were native to the new world?

greasy nuts from spain

Which plant is native to the new world?


Who taught the pilgrims how to plant corn and survive in the new world?

two Native Americans, Squanto and Samoset

What is New Zealand's native plant?


Is the camellia a native plant to new zealand?

No it is not.

How does a non-native plant affect an ecosystem?

A non-native plant in an ecosystem can outcompete native plant species for resources like sunlight, water, and nutrients, leading to a decrease in biodiversity. This can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem and impact wildlife that rely on native plants for food and shelter. Additionally, non-native plants may not have natural predators in the new environment, allowing them to spread rapidly and become invasive.

Why eat turkey in the first Thanksgiving?

Simply because Thanksgiving is celebrated in North America and turkeys are native to North America. All the food in the dinner is "New World" food that is native to North America.

Was New York good for plant life?

It depends on the plant windflowers,trees,shrubs,and vines are native to New York

What is an example of how one population has affected another population?

The introduction of invasive species to a new environment can negatively impact native populations by outcompeting them for resources or by introducing new diseases. For example, the introduction of non-native plant species to an area can disrupt the local ecosystem dynamics and harm the native plant populations.

Is kiwi a food?

A kiwi is a flightless bird, native to New Zealand.Kiwifruit is food.

Is a euphorically-Katucka bush A new Zealand native plant?

I don't recognize the spelling of the plant. Can you check this and re-post.