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According to the US Flag Code, the US Flag should be larger in size and (if flying on the same pole), at the top of the pole. If flying the American flag with a state flag, the American flag needs to be on a taller pole than the state flag and displayed on the flag's right side. If flying them on poles of equal size, then flying the American flag on the flag's right side is correct.

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Q: Which flag should be larger the Texas flag or the American flag?
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What is the only flag in the us that can be hung at the same height as the American flag?

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The most common courtesy referring to the American flag is that the flag should never touch the ground. When the flag becomes tattered it should be disposed of properly.

When hanging an American flag and a Texas flag side by side which goes on the left and which on the right?

US flag goes b the viewer's left

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No flag can be flown the American flag when on American soil.

How is the Texas flag flown with the US flag?

Any state flag should be flown below or level with the US Flag, but never above it. If it is on the same level it should be on the right, this includes Texas. The rumor that Texas is the only state that is allowed to fly at level with the US Flag is just that a rumor and an urban myth.

What is true concerning courtesy to the American flag?

The most common courtesy referring to the American flag is that the flag should never touch the ground. When the flag becomes tattered it should be disposed of properly.

What are the four flags that flown over Texas from 1519-1836?

Texas under Spain Texas under France Texas under Mexico

What state is the only state that is allowed to fly its state flag at the same height as the US flag?

Texas flag no doubt i live in Texas i should know

How stirps should the American flag have?

the American flag has 13 strips representing the first thirteen colonies

Can you fly a flag below the American flag?

Yes. But the only flag that can be flown at the same height is the Texas flag. Because it was a republic every other flag is flow below it if it is being flown.such as: st.flags, business flags, army/military flags, ect. --- Actually it is a common misconception, largely born out of Texas pride - that only Texas can fly their flag at the same height as the American Stars n' Stripes. Any state can fly their fly at the same height. There are no special provisions in the US Flag Code. However it is interesting to note that Texas's own Flag Code states that the state flag should either be flown below the U.S. flag if on the same pole or at the same height as the U.S. flag if on separate poles. Vermont and California were also a republic once upon a time.

How must the American flag be disposed of?

the flag should be burnt or put in the trash