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Louis the sixteenth was the ruler.

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Q: Which family was ruling in France when the french revolution took place?
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What ruling was made in the Congress of Vienna?

Return France to King Louis XVIII of the Bourbon Dynasty. Forget the French Revolution and forget the Napoleonic Wars as if they never happened.

How was the French and American revolution the same?

The French and American revolution both wanted to overthrow the king that was ruling over them. They also didn't agree with how the king that was ruling over them was running their country. They felt not represented and used.

Who were ruling over French during the French revolution?

King Louis XVI and his Queen Marie Antoinette.

Who was ruling over the French during the French Revolution?

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre.

Why did the peasants seize the Bastile?

At the time, the monarchy ruling France was abusing its power, and showing great general incompetence. The peasants took power into their own hands by storming the Bastille and starting the French Revolution.

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The ruling family of England changed as a result of?

the English bill of rights

What was the Glorious Revolution And is it the ruling family of England changed as a result of it yes or no?

The Glorious Revolution was when the English people revolted against King James II because he was a Catholic. James II abdicated and fled to France. His daughter and her husband then became joint rulers, Queen Mary II and King William III. However, before they good take the throne they had to sign the English Bill of Rights which was a direct consequence of the Glorious Revolution. The ruling family remaind the House of Stuart.

How did the French revolution spread in France?

It began with discontentment with the bourgoise, then really caught on when Louie XVI took power. Although he tried to fix things, the ruling class lived too extravagantly, and was beheaded/imprisoned by revolutionaries.

What is the name of the last ruling family in Russia?

The Romanov family ruled for 300 years before Nicolas and his family were murdered in 1917 because of the revolution.

Who was ruling France at the time of the French Revolution?

King Louis XVI and his wife Queen Marie Antoinette were king and queen of France from 1774 until 1793. They were eventually executed during the most violent phase of the revolution: the terror.

Did the national leader play a part in encouraging or harming feudalism within France?

French Feudalism started in 987 AD and continued until the French Revolution in 1789. In a Feudalistic society, lords owned the land and either rented it to those below them, or gave it to vassals, who were men who swore their loyalty to a lord for a time, in order to obtain land or money. Feudalism started with the Capetians Family in the ruling power, and continued until King Louis XIV eliminated the reminants of it at the end of the Revolution.