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Q: Which empire was ruled by Cyrus who was famous for his kind treatment of the peoples he conquered?
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Which empire was ruled by Cyrus who was famous for his kind treatment of the people he ruled?


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Probably Cortes, because he conquered the Aztec Empire and Cartier founded land.

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Hernando Cortez was the Spanish commander who conquered the Aztec Empire and thus began the Spanish conquest of Central and South America.

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Cyrus the Great conquered the ENTIRE Middle East, Egyptian empire, and parts of India, China, Mongolia, Russia, and Greece. Xerxes the great conquered Greece and opened the door to Europe for Persia. Sassanid also was famous for conquering the far east. Also: Darius

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He created the famous mughal empire. He conquered a huge area of india and established great mughal empire. Babur did all his work with peace.he made a good control over the whole empire.

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What comes closest to what you describe is the Ottoman Empire. However, the Ottomans did not conquer Rome and did not take over the whole of the Mediterranean. They defeated the Byzantine Empire by taking its capital, Constantinople. Byzantine Empire is the name historians use for the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The west had already fallen more than 1000 years earlier. Also note that the city of Rome itself had never been conquered by anyone. The Ottomans conquered the Middle East and North Africa. On the European shores of the Mediterranean they only took over Greece and Albania. Apart form this, Mediterranean Europe was not reached by the Ottomans.

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