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his left ear. he tells the person he is talking to to go on his right side because that one is deaf.

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Q: Which ear is Julius Caesar deaf in?
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Was Julius Caesar def?

he was partially deaf in one ear. i believe it was the left ear. he was also partially blind.

What physical disabilities does Caesar have?

just epilepsy. He also was deaf in one ear, inability to have kids

What handicap does caesar reveal about himself?

His left ear is deaf.

Was Julius Caesar ever ill?

Yes, according to an incident cited by Cassius that once Caesar was in Spain where he was severely affected by flu and was shivering badly. Further, Caesar was also deaf in one ear.

What illness did Julius Caesar had?

Shakespeare knew that the Roman statesman and commander Julius Caesar suffered from the 'falling sickness'. In Act I, Scene ii of his tragedy Julius Caesar, Casca describes how Caesar 'swooned and fell down...' and a few verses later says: 'He fell down in the market place, and foamed at the mouth, and was speechless.' He had epilepsy

In which ear was Caesar deaf?

"I rather tell thee what is to be fear'dThan what I fear; for always I am Caesar.Come on my right hand, for this ear is deaf,And tell me truly what thou think'st of him."

What kind handicap did Caesar have?

He did have seizures and probable epilepsy. He may have been deaf in the left ear as so.

Why does Caesar tell Antony to come on right side?

because his left ear is deaf

What is the history of the idiom lend your ear?

Shakespeare used this in his play Julius Caesar.

In Shakespeare's Caesar play why is Caesar represented as deaf?

He asks someone to come around to his other side because he is unable to hear from that ear. He is probably represented this way because he was believed to have been deaf in one ear. I had Old Julius in both Ancient History and English and have never heard this angle. (Lend me your ears) just meant (Listen up!) inthe modern sense. the Roman emperor did not have this handicap.

What are two of Julius caesars physical flaws?

he has the falling sickness or epilepsy, and he is deaf in his left ear.

What handicap does Caesar reveal about himself when speaking to Anthony?

According to the play, he was deaf in his left ear. The quote in the play was "Come to my right side because I am deaf on the left."