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Q: Which document stated that if any European nation tried to occupy land in the Western Hemisphere the US would consider it a threat to the nation's peace and safety?
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European colonization and interference in the Western Hemisphere was held in check by the?

European colonization and interference in the Western Hemisphere was held in check by the?

Who warned the European nations not to interfere in Western Hemisphere?

The Monroe Doctrine warned the European Nations not to interfere with the Western Hemisphere. The document, drawn up by Monroe himself, said that the U.S. was going to "watch" over the Latin American nations so that the European nations did not try to take them over.

Which answer best describes the main purpose of Monroe Doctrine?

limit European influence in the western hemisphere

What were the four main points of the Monroe Doctrine?

1. the united states would not interfere int the affairs of the European nations.2. the united states would recognize, and not interfere with, European colonies that already existed in north and south America.3. the western hemisphere was to be off-limits to future colonization by any foreign power.4. the united states would consider any European power's attempt to colonize or interfere with nations in the western hemisphere to be a hostile act.1. the united states would not interfere int the affairs of the European nations.2. the united states would recognize, and not interfere with, European colonies that already existed in north and south America.3. the western hemisphere was to be off-limits to future colonization by any foreign power.4. the united states would consider any European power's attempt to colonize or interfere with nations in the western hemisphere to be a hostile act.The Monroe Doctrine sought to stop the European powers from gaining any further lands in the Americas. Specifically, the US wanted to stop Spain from regaining land in Latin America, which had recently followed the US and won their independence.1. No new colonies in the Western Hemisphere2. No trading colonies in the W.H.3. No European interference with W.H.4. No American interference with Europe: DThe United States would not interfere in wars between European Powers. The United States would not interfere in existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere. The Western Hemisphere was closed to further colonization. Any action by a European country to control another in the western hemisphere the US would consider it as a hostile action.

Which area did Monroe doctrine aim to free from European influence?

the Western Hemisphere

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What document that was designed to end European influence in the Western Hemisphere?

The Monroe Doctrine.

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European colonization and interference in the Western Hemisphere was held in check by the?

Who warned the European nations not to interfere in Western Hemisphere?

The Monroe Doctrine warned the European Nations not to interfere with the Western Hemisphere. The document, drawn up by Monroe himself, said that the U.S. was going to "watch" over the Latin American nations so that the European nations did not try to take them over.

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limits European influence in the Western Hemisphere

Which answer best describes the main purpose of Monroe Doctrine?

limit European influence in the western hemisphere

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Monroe Doctrine

What document closed colonization of the Western Hemisphere?

The Monroe Doctrine

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In the Western Hemisphere, Brazil received the second largest number of European immigrants after the United States.

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James Monroe proclaimed the Western Hemisphere closed to further European interference when he issued the Monroe Doctrine.