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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adapted by the member states of the United Nations in 1948

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Q: Which document affirms the individual worth and dignity of all people?
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Constitution Affirms individual worth and dignity of all people?

yes it did

What is the humanistic appeal of literature?

Humanistic appeal when the literary works like short stories,novels,poems,affirms the dignity and worth of all the people in that particular place.

What is an example sentence for the word 'dignity'?

She keeps her standards high to maintain her dignity. The people who hurt her did not care about her dignity. When he was caught cheating on the test, his dignity suffered.

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It's a 'shorthand' for a document which will be utilized by an individual who will use the notes that it contains to conduct an in-depth presentation (on some subject) to an individual or a group of people.

Do all people including pagans and non balievers have dignity as that of a christian?

Of course they had signity. Dignity is one of the most fundamental human needs. Probably they had a different notion of what dignity is.

How do you value people's dignity?

With money.

What is Death with Dignity National Center's motto?

Death with Dignity National Center's motto is 'Respect the will of the people'.

How are rights and responsibilities related in terms of civic duty?

Rights ensure that each individual is respected and treated with dignity. This in turn makes it possible for people to carry out their civic duties passionately.

What document would say that all are born equal?

The document that would state that all are born equal is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 and proclaims "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

What is dignity in a sentence?

Dignity is the quality of being worthy of respect and honor, often associated with maintaining one's self-respect and integrity in difficult situations.

Should newly dead bodies be treated with respect and dignity?

People and their mortal remains of any antiquity should be treated with dignity.

How do people that face persecution maintain their humanity and dignity?
