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Q: Which docuent changed the colonies into states?
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Which colonies-changed the least in land area when they became states?

the answer is Rhode Island

Which colonies changed more before becoming states the nortern or southern colonies?


Which colonies changed the least in land area when they became states?

the answer is Rhode Island

Was Utah a colony?

No. Utah was formed as a state long after the American Revolution, which ended British rule and changed the 13 Colonies into the United States.

What was the official name of the US colonies before it was changed to the United States of America?

The United States did not have a collective name. It was known colloquially as the "Thirteen Colonies" but the colonies were each considered independent, like mini-countries as opposed to the modern conception of federal states.

How many colonies or states signed the Constitution?

13 states and 13 colonies

What were states called before they were states?

What were the 13 original colonies called before before they were states?"

Which US colonies are the breadbasket colonies?

The US does not have any colonies, but the great plains states are those that are referred to as the breadbasket states.

What were the colonies that took over the 13 original colonies?

The thirteen original colonies became the first thirteen states in The United States of America.

What changed for the Indians when Great Britain lost control of the colonies?

There were major changes that occurred for the Indians primarily living in the western territories of the United States when Great Britain lost control of the colonies. People in the colonies were free to move to western areas and began to force the Indians from the land that they knew.

What changed for the Indians when great Britain lost controls of the colonies?

There were major changes that occurred for the Indians primarily living in the western territories of the United States when Great Britain lost control of the colonies. People in the colonies were free to move to western areas and began to force the Indians from the land that they knew.

How many states where original states?

13, the colonies