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The Founders thought that the common good was more important than the individual rights because for example: If there were a bunch of people in the movie theater, and one person randomly yelled, "FIRE!," that would be for the individual rights, not the common good. Because what if somebody who heard that person yell "FIRE" spilled their drink and tripped on an ice cube, that would definitely not be good for the common good. PEACE, LOVE, and HAPPINESS!!!!!

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Q: Which did the founders think was more important the common good or individual rights?
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What did the founders think was more important the common good or the individual rights?

The individual. The rights of the individual were paramount to the founders because all violations of a strong centralized government would be restricted by the protected rights of the individual. JFK "the rights of all men are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened." Everyone should understand the dangers of a strong centralized government and the risks to liberty it would present. Look at the number of laws passed by our national congress in ever increasing numbers since 1940.

Which did the founding fathers think was more importand the common good or individual rights?

The founders thought common good was more important because it helped more than one person.

What was a major problem faced by the Founders after the Constitution was written?

People demanded that individual rights be protected.

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In a Japanese culture individual rights isn't as important as your responsibilty to a group

Who establishes the rights of individual American citizens that the government must respect?

The rights of the individual were established the founders of the country. This means the men who wrote the Constitution of the United States.

The founders of the US believed that an important purpose of government was to protect whose rights?

the individuals

what did the founders believe was an important purpose of government?

Natural rights, sometimes called unalienable rights, are rights the Framers believed all people are born with and can never give up. The Founders argued that the government's central purpose should be to protect and uphold these rights.

Why did many Founders resist writing down a list of rights?

The founders of the United States resisted the need to write down a list of rights when forming this country. The reasoning behind their resistance to write down these rights was that they felt the rights that were being stated were common knowledge and inevitable.

Who establishs the right of individual American citizens that the government must respect?

The rights of the individual were established the founders of the country. This means the men who wrote the Constitution of the United States.

What is the most protected by the US Constitution common good or individual rights?

Individual rights are protected by the US Constitution.

How is common good more important than individual rights?

The Founders thought that common good was better than individual rights. They thought that because common good helps more than a few people. They thought the government should serve the majority of the people. The Founders tried to make common good one of the main purposes in the 1700's. Some of the Founders like Patrick Henry feared a strong national government. They worried that a strong government would only serve certain groups and couldn't be stopped just like their former king. The Founders' ideas on the common good are still used in the present day. In a argument between the Chicago government and a citizen, Morales, the government tried to do what the Founders wanted government to do. Morales said that loitering laws was violating the right to talk with peers. The Chicago government said loitering was and act of gangs and it disturbed the public. In the end of the argument Morales won. The Founders liked the Roman Republic. In the Roman Republic the people ruled themselves. One of the governments' purposes was to serve every citizen. The Romans would hire representative when a community got to big. These representatives would represent the communities in government.

What value do Declaration of IndependenceThe Constitution The Bill of Rights have in common?

Individual citizens should have rights.