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Q: Which development shows positive and negative effects on the industrial revolution?
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Industrial Revolution had both negative and positive change in the Americans.

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Industrial Revolution has both the negative and positive changes in the history of Americans.

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industrial revolution its true

What was the positive impact of Industrial Revolution?

It created Jobs and improved the economy, the negative effect was the population increased.

Would you describe the Industrial Revolution as essentially positive or negative?

It is neither. It was a series of events that profoundly effected humanity up to this day.

What are the Difference between positive and negative development?

one is positive, the other is negative

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How did the industrail revolution change lives?

The industrial revolution changed many lives in both a positive and negative ways. Industrial capabilities allowed for mass production of products to meet the demands of the people and gave many people job opportunities. It also opened up pollution in the environment.

What was a positive result of the industrial Revolution?

The invention of the steam engine

Did the industrial revolution have more positive or negative effects?

Lets use newtons 3rd law(every thing has an equal and oppsite reaction) on this one.Id say it had an equal amount of positive and negtive effects.

How should you end your Industrial Revolution essay?

You can end your essay by restating your argument (whether the industrial revolution had positive or negative impacts) and summarizing your main points. Adding a thoughtful concluding point or a rhetorical question to make the reader think will make your essay stand out.

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