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Q: Which cultures make up northern Americans?
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What three cultures made up myths?

All cultures make up myths.

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Why did native Americans develop so many different cultures?

they lived in different places in north America so they had to adapt to their envirment in different ways

How are cultures shaped?

Cultures are shaped by religion, language, food, clothing, ands traditions. All these are things that make up culture.

Ethnic groups in Alaska by size from largest to smallest?

Alaskan Demographics:German-Americans form the largest ethnic group at 16.6 percent of the population. American Indians and Alaskan Natives are second with 15.6 percent.Irish Americans ranked third at 10.8 percent of the population.English Americans make up 9.6 percent of the population.Hispanics and Latin Americans 5.5 percent of the population.Norwegian Americans make up 4.2 percent of the population.Asian Americans make up 4.0 percent of the population.African Americans make up 3.8 percent of the population.French Americans make up 3.2 percent of the population.Native Hawaians and Pacific Islanders represent 0.5 percent of the population.

What 3 mountain ranges make up the northern rim?

The three mountain ranges that make up the northern rim are the Carpathian Mountains, the Urals, and the Caucasus Mountains.

What two groups of people make up the Amerindians?

The Amerindians are made up of two main groups of people: the Native Americans of North America and the Indigenous peoples of Central and South America. These groups have distinct cultures, languages, and histories but share some common ancestry and experiences of colonization and displacement.

What are the names of the countries that make up to United kingdom?

The four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are: England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

What is Alaska's demographic breakdown?

White Americans make up 69.3% of the population, American Indian and Alaskan Natives make up 15.6% of the population, Asian Americans are 4% and African Americans are 3.5%. German Americans are the largest ethnic group and 4.1% of the population is Hispanic.

Are women in china allowed to wear make up?

Yes, there is no general law against women wearing cosmetics in China. However China is a very large country and has many cultures within it. some of these cultures may put pressure on women not to wear make up.

Is US and Canada mono cultural?

No very far from it. Many Many cultures make up our countries.

Which People made sacrifices?

if you are talking a bout people giving up things in life,all cultures made and make sacrifices. If you are talking about animals there are many pagan cultures that do.