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Q: Which coutry did not fly its flag over Florida?
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How many times did the spanish flag fly over Florida?

for more than 200 years the spanish flag waved over the east and west florada then the english flag then the spanish again

How many times did the Spanish fly over Florida?

for more than 200 years the spanish flag waved over the east and west florada then the english flag then the spanish again

Which 2 flags can fly over the white house?

The US Flag and POW MIA flag

When does flag not fly over White house?

at first it was when the presidnt was there but now the flag always flys

When did the Mexican flag fly over Texas?


What years did the Mexican flag fly over Texas?

1821 - 1835.

What islands do you fly over when flying to Jamaica from Florida?


Where the vultere live?

yes they fly all over Florida

Does the Confederate flag still fly over the SC capital?

As a resident of SC and to my knowledge the confederate flag does not fly over the capital building. I seem to recall it was moved to the grounds in front of the capital with it's own monument.

Why does Canada fly a maple leaf flag instead of the US flag?

They fly a different flag, because they are a different country, now if they were the same country, they would fly the the US flag.

Is it illegal to fly a tattered flag?

It is not illegal to fly a tattered flag, but it is considered disrespectful. It is recommended to replace a tattered flag with a new one to show proper respect for the flag and its symbolism.

When is it a bad time to fly a flag?

it is bad to fly a flag when its war, because it just is